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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following Windows do not have Start button
  1. Windows Vista
  2. Windows 7
  3. Windows 8
  4. None of above

Q2. When was Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market?

  1. 1964
  2. 1970
  3. 1983
  4. 1986
Correct Answer

Q3. Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?

  1. Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN
  2. Prolog 2, Expert Systems
  3. Knowledge based Systems
  4. Assembly Languages
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:Which one is the last column header in Excel 2007?

  1. XFD
  2. XFX
  3. XFL
  4. XFT
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: What do you call ‘a collection of character and paragraph formatting commands’?

  1. the defaults
  2. a template
  3. a style
  4. a boilerplate
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Which of the following is the latest version of MS Word?

  1. Word 2000
  2. Word 2007
  3. Word 2010
  4. Word 2011
Correct Answer

Q7. What is meant by a dedicated computer?

  1. Which is used by one person only
  2. Which is assigned one and only one task
  3. Which uses one kind of software
  4. Which is meant for application software
Correct Answer

Q8. What do you type at the DOS command prompt to return back to Windows

  1. Command
  2. Exit
  3. Quit
  4. Return
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:You can use the drag and drop method to

  1. Copy cell contents
  2. Move cell contents
  3. Add cell contents
  4. a and b
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: How many margins sare there on a page?

  1. Two (header and footer)
  2. Four (top, bottom, right and left)
  3. Two (landscape and portrait)
  4. Four (center, top, left and bottom)
Correct Answer

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